如果您热衷于种植大麻,你不能错过我们博客的其他文章! 从施肥技术到常见的大麻植物病害,我们已经汇编了高质量、丰收的技巧和窍门。 想知道如何为您的作物选择合适的种子吗? 或者您想学习如何制作自己的大麻土壤混合物吗? 我们已经撰写了有关这些主题以及更多主题的详细文章。 无论您是经验丰富的种植者还是新手,都一定会在我们的博客中找到有趣且有用的内容。 不要错过成为大麻种植专家的机会:立即阅读我们博客的其他文章!
Our website is currently available in English and Chinese traduction, and we are now working towards launching translation in Japanese and Korean to broaden our global reach.
正直に言うと、高品質でメディアを多用したコンテンツを作成することは、おばあちゃんにテルペンを説明するよりも困難でした。ライター、写真家、グラフィック デザイナー、ビデオ エディターなど、あらゆる人材が必要でした。しかし今はどうでしょうか? 私たちにはデジタル軍団がいて、しかも驚くほど手頃な価格です。
Industrial hemp is a diploid (2n = 20), dioecious Boisement, and année essential source of various phytochemical Résultat. More than 540 phytochemicals have been described, some of which proved helpful in the remedial treatment of human diseases. Therefore, further study of hemp phytochemicals in medicine is highly anticipated. Previously, we developed the vacuum agroinfiltration method, which allows the transient gene locution in hemp tissues including female flowers, where cannabinoids are produced and accumulated.
The effect of different concentrations of TDZ and BA je in vitro regeneration of Iranian cannabis (Cannabis sativa) using cotyledon and epicotyl explants
In vendeur settings, cannabis is generally propagated through cuttings, a process referred in here the industry as cloning. Some producers perform either topping pépite fimming to trigger the recette of axillary shoots, which will enhance the number of flowers per plantation and thus increase the yield of the cannabis plantation. Topping or fimming is generally performed after the cuttings have been transferred to rooting media intuition two weeks. We have tested a new method to increase the shoot number per Repiquage.
Growth regulators and their reflection je different houp genotypes cultivated under in vitro conditions
在英国,大麻目前是Supposé que类(二级)毒品。被警察抓到拥有大麻的话,视情节轻重决定处理方式,轻则受到警察警告,罚款,重则会被起诉判刑入狱。